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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blog 17: Minority Report, Oedipus & Free Will

Free will is a self confident way of how individuals come to define their lives. Having the will power to do as they please at any given time. “Free Will and Determinism in the World of Minority Report” for example defines how if interrupted of performing free will would be unjust. Explaining how a movie directed by Steven Spielberg “Minority Report” takes away free will of criminals yet to perform violent acts. Using precogs’ to work for the police to determine crimes before they happen. “With the precogs’ insight, the police are able to prevent these crimes and imprison the would-be perpetrators. Naturally, the accused protest their innocence: they have not actually committed any crime at the time they are arrested.” If you ask me the free will to think violent acts would be a crime committed to that kind of system.
In the play Oedipus the King free will was very questionable. Many individuals believed in everything and anything the oracle says. The oracle is a priest and their job is to give people what they want to hear and tell them what can happen if they let it. Yet in the play the oracle tells Oedipus’s father that his first son will kill his father and marry his mother, which no one would have ever known or thought to have noticed til the end. Understanding the consequence if keeping the 1st born son the king sent Oedipus off for adoption so that he can avoid the problem. Having the free will to keep his son and try and change the future to come was definitely an option in which was not used. The free will to even have a baby was an option as well. With the free will to do as you please you have many options to change your thought process or what actions you choose you want to perform.

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