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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Matrix Essay

Myth a word used to describe something to the human eye as unreal. Originated through grease in which developed through the ears of the people presenting a form of belief. Relatively characterized for gods or the supernatural existence that many people still seem to believe such as Zion in the movie “The Matrix.” In the movie Zion was known as a god, a higher power to the real world rather than in the Matrix to the eye is a system.
What is the Matrix? Is it real? Is it considered to be a fake? I believe that the Matrix is an interpretation made by each and every individual to come to a belief on how the world works. Everybody has their own general idea of how the world is and how it works, but whose to say that they're right or wrong. The Matrix is a system, a known feeling set within the mind. It’s like a mystery existing within the brain cells making and creating a world that’s commonly related to a simulation. Appearing as an illusion Morpheus the visionary believes that the world is our dream that we have come to believe as the real world. The symbolism behind the character Morpheus is known as the god of dreams within the greek mythology.
The mythology within the Matrix reaches the meaning of our living. Picturing life as it is, giving its significance to reality. Considering seeing people able to imagine their own existence, their own self. A feeling within one's presence but not understanding it themselves. Co-creator of the Matrix the Oracle, represents the compassion, help, and guidance. Not much of predicting the future but giving a concept used to interpret within the help of others that want it.
In conclusion myth comes in all shapes and forms. Shown that even this world that we live in can also be a myth, what do we know is real? The Matrix? Society will never know whats real or not real until proof is shown. Some believe in the known unknown even without proof and just with a good explanation that was given. The message of the matrix films are that people have different stages and they don't understand how its gonna end up and what will happen in the end. What do you think?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog 6: The idea of the prison house of language

The concept of “The Prison House of Language” is the illusion of only using words that everyone would use rather then others. Instead of using words us as people normally use we would use words everyone knows and would appeal more. Basically keeping the mind set to using easy ways to get out of situations. For an example let’s say I ask u a question such as “Do u believe in magic?” your obvious answer would be yes or no, yet there can b more then just a yes or no answer. As people we tend to believe the easy way out of things is the best way to deal wit things. When you look at the world there is more then just New York City and the States of the U.S., there are other countries and other cities. Similar to questions you can always explain the reasons you like or dislike, agree or disagree with something.
Fredric Jameson an American Literary critic and cultural theorist has realized and studied the development of human behavior within the language of English. He has easily figured out that we rather take the time out to use short answers to send off quick solutions. Essentially getting lazy with the smallest things such as answering questions and talking to our peers bring out “The Prison House of Language.” Jameson’s ideology discusses the cultural production as an understanding of present time society.

Bllog 5: Allegory of the Cave Summary

            The Allegory of the Cave is a description of an illusion of how people were brought up and controlled. The description of the cave sends off an illusion in which gives us a brief meaning of how society treats us as human beings in this world. As we grow on to a new age of knowledge we are taught to stay where we are and seek information due to what surrounds us rather then seek ourselves. Looking at the shadows of others that surround the people in the cave an anything that passes by them is what they believe exists only through the shadows.
            Stating that as humans we follow one another, although in the book one of the humans in that cave saw the illusion. Understanding the vision of what really existed by parting ways out of the cave and seeking information believing to conceive the real light ahead of him.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Allegory of the Cave Through History

The Boogeyman, a common story told by most parents to get their children to do the right things such as go to sleep on time, do their chores, things of that nature. The name "boogeyman" has originated from Scotland grown on from other names such as bogles, boggarts, bugaboos or bugbears. Having no appearance in the minds of any eye the unknown roams from closet to closet enhancing fear within children’s minds. With this unknown creature lurking about in the household or the closets of where the children’s rest their heads, this creature has no set gender. In some regions of the country it is a man, in others a woman, else where maybe even both.

The illusion of the boogeyman was that as a kid you think that whatever your parents tell you is real no matter what it is, and that so called character will do something terrible if u don’t follow the rules to keep it out of your household. The boogeyman who had no real structure or features to begin with, just a made up fictional tall tale used for parental advantage to get what they wanted. In some countries the Boogeyman is known as different names such as Sack Man, El Cuco, and Talasam.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog 3

- That my father was superman – I kicked I'm an he said oww so I knew he wasn’t superman.
- That I didn’t have a father  - I asked my moms an she sed dats ur father.
- That my father was God - I went to church an everybody was sayin god was white an my father is black.
- The world was only Brooklyn – went to skool an heard about other states an countries.
- I thought Dinosaurs still lived in our day in age - i read a book on dinosaurs and learned that they died a long time ago.
- I thought i was adopted an my other so called "Family" was cool an had a house filled with parks and other outstanding things - my mother showed me my birth certificate and since then I was forced to believe that I'm hers.
- I used to think I could walk through walls - I tried it an i was definitely unsuccessful.
- I thought that I could go into the TV - I also tried an was unsuccessful.
- I thought Elmo was like my cousin - I asked my brother an he was looking at me weird so I knew I was wrong.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Allegory of the cave

                The Allegory of the cave represents how the people chained in the cave grew up knowing, which was nothing but shadows and the shadows of others. Growing up in a cave chained to the wall symbolizes a society of people learning off of one another and living to believe what’s in front of them exists. “…, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets,” as Plato said they were forced to believe and have an understanding that there is nothing but an illusion around them.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog 1

            Many individuals that can see my actions view my Public self. What I do from outside of being home all day is the side where I show my individuality to the world rather than keep it to myself. I know how I am and what I can be but the world doesn’t. I show that I’m more outgoing to meeting new people and kind. Brought up in this world as a nice young boy was what my parents wanted and they also watched it progress as I got older. The more I grew the more I grasped other traits that went along with my Public Self. Learning these traits gave me the confidence to walk around knowing the rights and the wrongs of being myself in this world.

My private self is myself as a person living the days of life how I like as in listening to music, watching TV, and being on the computer which those three things are mostly what I do when I have alone time. When I’m by my self I feel unique, free, calm and less stress with jus being me. Nobody judges the way I am or how I see myself as a person while being alone.

            The difference that I have with both my public and private self is confusion. Most of the time I know who I can b an what to do but at the same time I find myself lost an wondering what is my next step into dealing with this problem. Most days I wonder y there is no change when my private self comes along. When I'm wit my public self I get more in depth an get closer 2 understanding what I need 2 do an how I have do go about it. Learning might b hard in school but it’s even harder when I try 2 find yourself thinking u found something. Each step I take gets more challenging but I guess that’s what the world wants us 2 do is 2 challenge ourselves day by day.

Challenging yes, yet in this life we will always find a challenge 2 bring us down as individuals. While walking thru this path we have 2 realize that it’s a part of how we grow. Brightening our way thru so that no1 can stop nor prevent u from failing 2 get 2 where you’re going. Noticing that as something as small as time can make us as humans worry and lose control. As I watch myself in this awkward situation I would have 2 say that it can get a little tricky but in a way it’s also a good thing. The confusion an getting myself lost will bring me 2 steps back however u can always find a way 2 push yourself 4ward toward your goal.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Draft for blog 1

A little something about myself is that I'm fun, cool, and mostly hang in manhattan with my friends and act a fool together.