Many individuals that can see my actions view my Public self. What I do from outside of being home all day is the side where I show my individuality to the world rather than keep it to myself. I know how I am and what I can be but the world doesn’t. I show that I’m more outgoing to meeting new people and kind. Brought up in this world as a nice young boy was what my parents wanted and they also watched it progress as I got older. The more I grew the more I grasped other traits that went along with my Public Self. Learning these traits gave me the confidence to walk around knowing the rights and the wrongs of being myself in this world.
My private self is myself as a person living the days of life how I like as in listening to music, watching TV, and being on the computer which those three things are mostly what I do when I have alone time. When I’m by my self I feel unique, free, calm and less stress with jus being me. Nobody judges the way I am or how I see myself as a person while being alone.
The difference that I have with both my public and private self is confusion. Most of the time I know who I can b an what to do but at the same time I find myself lost an wondering what is my next step into dealing with this problem. Most days I wonder y there is no change when my private self comes along. When I'm wit my public self I get more in depth an get closer 2 understanding what I need 2 do an how I have do go about it. Learning might b hard in school but it’s even harder when I try 2 find yourself thinking u found something. Each step I take gets more challenging but I guess that’s what the world wants us 2 do is 2 challenge ourselves day by day.
Challenging yes, yet in this life we will always find a challenge 2 bring us down as individuals. While walking thru this path we have 2 realize that it’s a part of how we grow. Brightening our way thru so that no1 can stop nor prevent u from failing 2 get 2 where you’re going. Noticing that as something as small as time can make us as humans worry and lose control. As I watch myself in this awkward situation I would have 2 say that it can get a little tricky but in a way it’s also a good thing. The confusion an getting myself lost will bring me 2 steps back however u can always find a way 2 push yourself 4ward toward your goal.
i like the vintage background & perfect post